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Platinum Feed Bundle

94% (16)

FROM £89.95

All Seasons Mix, Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts and Fat Balls.

*Free Next Day Delivery

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Worth up to 175 Loyalty Points


A real bargain bundle for beginners and bird experts alike. Full of energy, nutrition and everything you need to keep those birds coming to your garden no matter what the weather, no matter what the time of year.

All Season All Year Mix

This bespoke mix of sunflower seeds, red dari, selected cereals, rapeseed oil and more, is a great catch all. The variety of choice will attract an even greater array of birds no matter what the time of year. Full of energy and nutrients, it’s an especially helpful option when the temperature drops and those garden birds need help finding food.

Sunflower Hearts

A nutritious snack indeed! Bring the blackbirds, dunnocks and all manner of garden birds with this popular straight feed. De-husked to cut down on mess, it’s also a great option if you have ever had mice visitors and don’t want them again!


Carefully selected, and tested against the harmful chemical aflatoxin, these high energy treats are a bird food staple that flying visitors of all shapes and sizes love. For safety, it is always best to use a feeder when offering peanuts, no matter what time of year it is.

Fat Balls

A mix of suet, insects and peanuts, with many other regular bird food staples, these fatty treats are easy to offer, and are packed full of energy. Suet may be off the menu for us, but for birds, it is and always will be in vogue - so give them what they want and you’ll see visitors as varied as blackcaps and treecreepers making an appearance in your garden.

This great value bundle is available as either 3 x 12.75kg bags and one 150 x box of 90g Fat Balls, or 6 x 12.75k bags with two x 150 boxes of 90g Fat Balls.

51.75kg - KC8919
103.5kg - KC8920


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UK (Mainland) - Standard £4.99
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